Notices -

Wednesday 25th of September, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All Hot Dog Lunch Friday AFR
  Don't forget to order a hot dog or two for lunch on Friday - last day of term. See MyKindo for details ($4.00)

All Kōrero o te wiki IGE
  "I tīmata Ahau i te mahi pai i roto i a koe, ā, ka oti i Ahau."
"I began the good work in you, and I will finish it"
"I tīmata Ahau i te mahi pai i roto i a koe, ā, ka oti i Ahau."

All Tribe Day Friday - Cross Fit and Tribe Mufti AFR
  Friday is Tribe day - wear tribe mufti, cross fit style activities more information to come

Secondary Grow session JOE
  Grow session is moved to Thursday in lunch. Ezra from Crossroads will be giving a message so will be a great word.

Secondary Kapa haka IGE
  There will be no kapa haka this week.

Secondary Year 12 Life Lab - combined classes on Friday 27th ESN
  Kia ora Yr 12 Life Labs
This Friday 27th Sept - 12MKE Mrs Karimee's Life Lab please join 12ESN Dr Snedden's in art room i6 on Friday for the Life Lab before lunch. Pd 5 ALL yr 12 Life Lab's combined classes in L2 Mrs McKenzie's after lunch Friday.

Secondary Year 7-13 Early Finish Today at 12.50pm CYS
  School will finish at 12.50pm today for Secondary students (year 7-13) to allow for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Please make sure you have alternative arrangements to travel home at this time. The Ashhurst and Feilding school buses will run at the normal leaving time of 3.10pm and school bus students will be supervised at school in the gym classroom until 3pm.