Notices -

Tuesday 20th of August, 2024

Meeting / Practices Location When Staff
Notices Staff
All Kōrero o te wiki IGE
  "Whakatapua ngā mahi katoa ki a Au, ā, ka angitu ō mahere." Which can be translated as: "Commit all that you do to Me and your plans will be successful."
"Whakatapua ngā mahi katoa ki a Au, ā, ka angitu ō mahere."

All Mufti/Non-uniform Day Friday 23rd August AFR
  Pajama Party themed - Cornerstone Mufti Guidelines apply - please cover up
Please bring a bottle as your contribution towards mufti day.

All Tongan Students - Friday 23rd August AFR
  Mrs Livai wishes to pass on a message to all Tongan students.
On Friday 23rd August please come to school wearing your traditional Tongan attire (not pajama's).

Secondary CFG Quiz Night -Sat 31st August AFR
  Year 13's - it's your turn to try and take home the honours in the 2024 CFG Quiz Night - book a seat at the table and have a great night together, prizes for best dressed table.

Wanted - student helpers to help serve food and drinks, welcome guests, help with pink stickers sells, cleaning up of food and drinks - from 6pm to 10pm ish on Saturday August 31st - please email Mrs Fletcher if interested -

Secondary UCOL 2025 NSS
  For those looking to enrol for Ucol next year please ensure your enrolment form comes back to Mr Sextus by the end of the week.